Sermons from October 2019
Colossians 2:6-24 Part 2
Last week we looked at Kingdom culture (or should that be Kulture?) and this week we are looking at the other side, our current, post-modern culture. Kirsten looks at how it is different, how it has affected the church and how Paul’s advice to the church in colossea applies for us as well. Order recap What is post-modernism and how did we get here King Jesus Vs there is no king the Bible vs no absolute truth community vs individualism…
Colossians 2:6-24 part 1
As we’ve seen in our series on Colossians, the church was under pressure. There were a lot of different cultural influences around affecting the church. Today, Kirsten starts off a two part series looking at the call that Paul gives the church in Colosea to live by and next week we look at the prevailing themes in our post-modern culture. Order Intro King the Bible Community Sanctification Questions Are you serving Jesus as king? Are you following the instructions in…
Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ
Last week we heard Paul introduce himself and the church in Colossae. Today, we look at Paul’s “song” at the start of the letter and what it reveals about Christ’s supremacy: then and now. Order recap of last time Chris is the image of the invisible God Christ is above all Christ has reconciled all The response to Christ’s Supremacy When the world doesn’t look great Key quote Paul was writing this letter in prison, but he still says that…