Sermons on Sacrifices
Nehemiah 2
Part Two of our series in Nehemiah, after last week when we looked at Nehemiah’s immediate response to the situation in Jerusalem, this week Wojtek takes us through Nehemiah’s plan and what happens when he first arrives in Jerusalem. (sorry the audio is so quiet, there was an issue with recording) Order Recap Give yourself to God in prayer Nehemiah’s request Knowing when to ask for help and when to pray Nehemiah get’s to Jerusalem The citizen’s response Key quote…
Nehemiah 1:1-11
Today we have started working through the verses of Nehemiah after looking at an overview of the book last week. Today we’re going through Nehemiah Chapter 1 looking at who Nehemiah was and what we can learn about him and his view of God. Finally, Wojtek caps it off with some challenges and encouragement for our own spiritual development. Order Recap of the setting for Nehemiah Who was Nehemiah The power of Conviction God is powerful to act Who is your…
Nehemiah – Part One
Today Wojtek shares with us first sermon of the Nehemiah series. We recall times of the exile and ways of God using him to perform His own plan. All these information will help us later to better do our homework! Quotes Don’t do this without electricity! Verses Nehemiah 1:1-4 Nehemiah 2:1 Order Historical background Nehemiah’s function Being a man of conviction Homework
What are you investing in? Trusting God
Today we are going to discover another topic of our series “What are you investing in?” To start with, Wojtek shares his vivid story with us, which makes us think about trust. Obviously, it is the reference to trusting God. Isaiah 50 looks like a perfect chapter to test it. Quotes I’m not asking you to kiss your brains goodbye. Verses Isaiah 50:1-11 Isaiah 55:10-11 Numbers 23:1 Romans 8:28 Genesis 50:20 Isaiah 55:8-9 Order Wojtek’s story A sin definition History…
The Battle in our minds
Today Wojtek takes us to on of the most important fields of Christian’s life, the field of battle. As we know from Scripture, it is our mind, which is attacked by the Devil from many directions. To recognise the most important of them, it is needed to answer some basic, but crucial questions. Order What do we believe about God How does it refer to our picture of His Church What is our own image of ourselves Key quotes If…