Sermons on Philippians
Today, we continue our series on being Christ-Centered by looking at Humility including some good (and bad) examples in the bible. Order Intro United in Christ True Humility The Example of Isaiah The bad example of King Saul, the Pharisees The Example of Jesus Key Quote Just as a Wedding is about the bride and Groom and not the guest, so our lives should be about Jesus and the Church . Verses Philippians 2:5-11 Isaiah 6:5 Matthew 26: 39 Esther
Paul’s Secret To Happiness
Today Martin continued our summer sermon series after last week’s look at the gospel Paul preached. Martin invites us to look at why on earth Paul was so happy. From a worldly perspective, he was often in bad situations, it’s not plain sailing along the way. And yet, he often talks about joy. So what was Paul’s secret to happiness and what can we learn from it. Order We’re in a crisis of happiness Paul Knew what God was calling…