
To know Him and make Him known


Sunday Meetings

EVANGELICAL, CHRIST-CENTRED, SPIRIT-LED, INTERNATIONAL We meet every Sunday from 11:00 at Hotelu Sympozjum in Krakow. We worship God together with music, song, and other ways that we are able, expressing our joy and life that we have in God. During the second part of our meetings, we listen to biblical teaching. Another important part of our meetings is the fellowship that follows afterwards with tea and cake. We believe building a strong community, a family of believers within the church…

Homegroup At Kirsten and Wojtek’s House

Come to our weekly home group at Wojtek and Kirsten’s house. We meet every Tuesday for fellowship and time together with God. What happens varies from week to week. Sometimes we share something we’ve learnt about God this week, sometimes we worship, sometimes we dive deep into bible study. Anyone is welcome to come along. If you’d like to speak to someone or know more details. Please contact us by pressing the button above.

Sean And Benna’s Homegroup

Sean and Benna warmly invite you to join them on Tuesday nights. Gather with friends and open God’s word together. We share together the highs and lows, what we’re grateful for and what we are struggling with, growing together as we do. Plus, there is always a cup of tea on hand. Sean and Benna look forward to seeing you there.

The Purpose of Marriage & Sex

Why did God make marriage and what is its purpose? Join us for the first of our Marriage course sessions to learn about the reason behind Marriage and Sex. This event is open to everyone not just married couples and not just for Church members. There is a 35PLN fee to cover the cost of the handouts and an additional fee of 20pln if you want pizza (you can bring your own lunch).


Everyone is a leader

Ephesians 4:4-32 There is one bodyand one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all,who is over all and through all and in all. 7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.8 This is why it says: “When he ascended on high,    he took many captives    and gave gifts to his people.” 9 (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who…

Resources to help grow your prayer life.

Throughout history, Christians have compared prayer to breathing: It’s that fundamental for our spiritual life. Yet, for many of us, prayer is a real struggle. And on and on the list goes. If this sound familiar, then fortunately (and unfortunately) you’re not alone. The fortunate side is because there are other christians who have faced the same issues and provided resources to help us work through the same issues too. Here is a small selection of prayer resources you can…

How to respond to the Ukraine conflict

Many of us have watched the news of the Ukrainian conflict and wondered how can we help? Due to our strong links with Ukraine thanks to our shared boarder and members of the congregation, we have many members who can help guide us on the best ways to help our neighbours in need. Pray Pray changes things and we have a God who listens. Pray for the safety of those in Ukraine, for the leaders of every country to make…

Advent resources

Christmas is just around the corner and so here are a few advent resources to help you prepare your hearts and minds to mark the occasion of God becoming one of us and making his dwelling among us. What is advent? Advent is the time of the year the church remembers the expectation of Christ’s coming and of his coming again. In more liturgical church calendars, It starts with the fourth Sunday before Christmas but many people think of it…

New Covenant Church Krakow is an evangelical, christian church who have been meeting together in Krakow since 2006. We are an international community of friends from Poland, Spain, USA, Britain, Norway, Holland, Malaysia, South Africa and other nations. Our meetings are always in Polish and English. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God – inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error. We believe in one God in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We seek to bring glory to God in all that we do. We value meeting together to learn about Him and celebrate Him.

Get In Touch

Have you got any questions? Would you like to speak to someone about visiting?