Reopening church
Our Sunday services will start again this coming Sunday, 21st June, at our normal venue in Park Inn Hotel at the normal time of 11am. We will need to follow the hotel and government guidelines (updated 19/10/20): The maximum number of people allowed in the hall is 80 45. (This should not be a problem, as some people will still be staying at home, but it is best to be early.) Wear a mask at all times. Keep a distance of 2m away from people you do not live with.…

Quarantine fund
Dearly beloved! We are a community of believers who care for and look after each other (Acts 2:44-45), so we starting a quarantine fund for those among us whose financial situation has become critical because of the current crisis. If you would like to contribute, whether it be 20 or 2000 zł, please make a transfer to the church bank account with the title/description “Quarantine fund”. The bank account details are: Account Number: 23 1910 1048 2116 4066 8613 0001…

Coronavirus announcement
Dearly Beloved! As you may already know, in order to combat the coronavirus the Polish government has closed schools, universities as well as cinemas and other cultural centres. Mass events have been cancelled, companies are asking their employees to work from home where possible, and the use of public transport is discouraged. Personal hygiene is being emphasised, and the shaking of hands is discouraged, etc. All these are preventative measures to help contain the spread of the virus. The public…